Product Design Collaboration
Our team collaborates with our clients throughout the design process. We discover ideas with our clients, in initial overviews and after in depth research, through concept ideation & brainstorming to more formal sketches and working prototypes. Ratio will seek to improve or expand on your idea, develop illustrations that show product features, create 3D models in CAD and 3D print components to innovate around known or new technology, engineered thoughtfully with final assembly and manufacturing in mind.
Innovative Engineering Solutions
RATIO creates new product ideas and develops them into practical product solutions. We offer industrial design services including concept ideation through brainstorming exercises. We have creative and disruptive development process which generate new categories for brands and inventors alike. Our ongoing product research methods allow us to quickly understand the market and identify product improvements. We provide product concepts which communicate various directons and options for Client review. Ratio’s design and mechanical engineers work in 3D solid modeling software, verify models with in house 3D prints & assist with strategic prototype production and electrical integration. Our electrical engineers develop product performance requirements, electronic design and board layout and assembled board fabrication. By providing services including product and patent research, product concept visualization, industrial design development, mechanical and electrical engineering as well as manufacturing services, Ratio is better able to offer our clients a turnkey product design and manufacturing fulfillment service.
What to Expect
We discover and identify areas of opportunity within the market. Understand where you are in the process and respond with a plan
In depth research that provides direction for sketch and design iteration
Develop 3D models and prototypes to assess working models that allow for testing
Clients & Partners
Our reputation is our most valuable asset. At Ratio, we focus on our Client relationships. Client privacy & protecting IP is important, so we don’t disclose projects until they go public. We’re dedicated to delivering exceptional service in product development with candid product idea feedback, brainstorming strategy, 3D modeling & in-house prototyping, ensuring a positive experience throughout the industrial design process.
We have enjoyed collaborating and innovating with Clients representing: Coca-Cola Inc, SodaStream, Neva Healthcare, FedEx, REDD Technologies, Phone Caddy LLC, UPS, Motorola, Future Perfect LLC, ThinkIPA, VANGO LLC, M2SYS, RallyHoops, GoConnect, Southern Sales and Marketing / nICE Coolers, Stanley, MedShield LLC, ShotCollar LLC, Macy’s Inc.
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